
The housing crisis is undoubtedly linked to the fight against global warming and racial inequity and require a holistic solution. We cannot continue to build affordable housing while ignoring drought or extreme heat; we must increase our resilience against extreme climate. We cannot build affordable housing without an awareness of how racism has resulted in BIPOC communities facing housing insecurity. We cannot be content to work within ineffective systems and with limited tools that are unable to produce as much housing as we need. The challenges that face us require a fearless positivity; building in the now while forging tools for the future.

Last Updated: 5/30/2023


Solar Panels &
Collectors Installed


Trees Planted


Gallons of water redirected/Yr*


Non-Tax Credit-Funded Spaces


Spaces with Mixed-Income Populations*


Commercial Spaces in Operation

We can build a more sustainable LA by focusing on density, walkability and access to shared green spaces for all. In this manner, the region and specifically its residential buildings, can become the catalyst for solving global warming while meeting our housing needs.

Equitable communities are those in which everyone’s basic needs are met; physical, social, and mental well-being at all stages of life so that, instead of surviving paycheck to paycheck, they are free to focus on achieving their full potential.

The way that we finance the construction of affordable housing is complicated, takes a long time and is incredibly expensive. We can speed up the process by securing public land, siting by public transit to reduce the need for the expensive parking structures and utilizing faster methods like modular construction.

Housing Financing

Helping a small business thrive means entrepreneurs and employees can stay employed, money can be reinvested in the local economy and most importantly, individuals and their families remain housed.

Small Business Resiliency

Take Action

Join us in the fight to house the houseless and mitigate the impacts of climate change and racial inequity. Whether you are able to donate to support our mission, would like to learn about investing in affordable housing, or have land on which you’d like to develop, we’d like to hear from you. The challenges we face are great, but we can do more together.