Isla Intersections

283 W. Imperial Highway, Los Angeles, California

Last Updated: 5/31/24



Total Units



Permanent Supportive Units



Projected Pounds of CO2 Sequestered/Yr



Projected Gallons of Water Recycled/Yr

Named after its location at the intersection of the 110 and 105 freeways, Isla Intersections will open its doors in 2024. Just north of Harbor Gateway, at the intersection of Broadway and Imperial Highway, Isla Intersections will provide 53 new one-bedroom permanent supportive housing units when it opens. Holos Communities is proud that Isla has been chosen as a winner of the 2021 Sustainability Awards, recognizing excellence in coordinating land use and transportation to improve mobility, livability, prosperity and sustainability. 


Isla utilizes an innovative construction method in the form of shipping containers strategically oriented to minimize noise and air pollution from the nearby freeways. The development will feature a public space named the Annenberg Paseo, containing a lush landscape called a living lung comprised of carefully selected trees that will clean the air nearby. The living lung will be irrigated by a greywater system, and the landscaping will also reduce noise and light pollution from the surrounding freeways. 

Please note that images and pictures are initial concepts and will be developed further as the project progresses.

Follow Along

Signup to show support, share feedback and receive updates as Isla Intersections moves through the construction process and then becomes home to 53 individuals.


Greywater System

Modular Construction

Commercial Space

Living Lung

Community Garden


Isla is well served by several Metro light rail and bus lines, including the Green line, bus routes 45 (Broadway/Imperial), and 81 (Figueroa/Imperial). Durango Market, a local grocery store, is a 6-minute walk from the site and offers tenants produce, local goods and homemade food. 


As part of Holos Communities’ focus on small business resiliency, Isla will feature two small commercial spaces that will act as a gateway between Isla, its residents, and the greater community. These small commercial spaces will be leased to local small businesses catering to neighborhood needs. 


Operations Partners

Construction Team

Capital funders

Additional Funding Details:

  • CIT Bank, N.A.: Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco's Affordable Housing Program (FHLB-SF AHP)

  • Enterprise Community Partners: CA Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC)

  • Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA): Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program (HUD-VASH), Section 8 Project Based Vouchers (PBV)

  • Key Bank, N.A.: California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC)

  • Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD): Los Angeles Proposition HHH


How To Get Involved


Join us in the fight to house the houseless and mitigate the impacts of climate change and racial inequity. Whether you are able to donate to support our mission, would like to learn about investing in affordable housing, or have land on which you’d like to develop, we’d like to hear from you. The challenges we face are great, but we can do more together.

Leasing Information


Are you looking for an affordable apartment? Is your small business in need of commercial space? Explore vacancies at our community buildings and learn more about the application process.